Business Technology Blog | CrossVergence

  The Benefits of Having a Backup Solution 

Written by Crossvergence | May 25, 2022 4:00:00 AM

At any given moment, hardware or software failure, data corruption, malicious virus or malware attack, accidental deletion of data, and even a natural disaster could happen. Is your business ready to handle these situations? If not, a backup solution can be highly beneficial to save your hard work and data.

We can give you seven great reasons why having a backup solution is beneficial to you.

1) Protection  

With a backup solution, your chances of breach and exposure are reduced. Your critical information is safeguarded so that you can protect your business and your customer's trust.

2) Employee Productivity

With your data backed up, your employees can return to their jobs quickly. Productivity will not be lost but improved. Your IT team will not have to worry about restoring data or getting the business back up to speed.

3) Controlling Cost

Your employees' work laptops and phones cost more than just their material value. The most expensive part of your employees' devices are the data that is on them. The average cost of a lost business laptop is $50,000 due to the information that it holds.

4) Fast File Recovery

Backup solutions allow you to locate your data quickly. With older methods, it can take weeks to months before you can get your data back.

5) File Sharing On The Go

Sharing files and other important information between employees needs to happen for regular business functionality. Having a backup solution offers a secure method to share files without worrying about data loss, no matter where the individual staff members are working from.

6) Empower Your Employees

Yes, the IT department is there to help in a moment of need but empowering employees to restore files on their own can significantly reduce overhead. This allows IT to focus on more involved tasks.

7) No Performance Impact

An excellent backup solution does not affect the performance of your device. This minimizes disruptions in work tasks. Most of the time, users do not even notice that their files are being backed up while they work.

It is time to start thinking about backup solutions and how beneficial they are to your company. Contact us today to talk through ways that we can help your business to streamline and grow.